Positive Ageing Week 2019

Positive Ageing Week will be running next week from Monday Sep 30th to Sunday 6th October. This year the theme is ‘Ageing In Place’.

Action is converting their Camden Street premises in to a Positive Ageing Hub. A variety of themed events and talks will be held to celebrate ageing and the contribution of older people.


 Ava Housing is excited to present the results of our pilot project at a workshop ‘Financial Wellbeing and Smart Housing Options’ hosted by Bank of Ireland on Monday 30th of September at 4pm. 

 The workshop will look at budgeting at planning and managing finances in older age as well as smart options for housing including Ava Housing, Elder Home Share and Task Community Care.

To attend you can book a free place here. We look forward to seeing you there.

What: Positive Ageing Week Financial Wellbeing and Smart Housing Workshop (Hosted by Bank of Ireland) with tea and cake

Where: Age Action Positive Ageing Hub on Camden Street Lower, Dublin 2

When:  30th of September at 4pm

Speakers include:

  • Introduction from Age Action and Bank of Ireland
  • Financial Wellbeing Workshop with Aileen Morrissey
  • Aine Phelan – National Smart Ageing Housing Programme
  • AVA Housing
  • TASK and Elder Home Share

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